How to Write a Thesis Conclusion

How to Write a Thesis Conclusion
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Students have to complete different writing assignments, and some of them are utterly complex. Every assignment has the central idea or problem, which is supposed to be discussed and analyzed during the entire work. It’s called a thesis statement. The main objective of the statement is to explain to readers what is discussed and why it’s so important. Finally, a researcher must complete a thesis conclusion. This informative guide provides useful prompts and knowledge about how to achieve a positive result.

In most cases, students are puzzled with thesis statements of such complex assignments as a dissertation, case study, and similar ones. However, simpler projects may cause some trouble as well. Many students cannot write a good conclusion and require some help. If you’re confused by this task, just contact our academic service and we will  professional thesis writing help. Using the assistance of a professional writing company, you’ll overcome any impediments related to your academic writing.

Table of contents

Discussion vs. Conclusion

First of all, we’d like to clarify the difference between discussion and conclusion. Many people mess up these terms and think they are the same. It’s not so, and their difference is quite obvious.

A discussion in a research paperis a review of the main argument or hypothesis. It highlights the analysis of the main problem in great detail. It frequently involves methods and data used in finding the answers. It compares your approach with the methods of other researchers. This is a reflection of the course of the experiment.

A conclusion is quite a different approach. It briefly summarizes the entire paper. It’s supposed to restate the abstract in thesis, all the problems, findings, and results once again using other words. It should create a strong impression to underline the most important finding of the research.

Answer the Research Question of Your Thesis

When you write a thesis conclusion, you can achieve success if you plainly answer the main question of your project. It should be done in the main body of the assignment. The place differs, depending on the assignment type. If it’s a standard essay, provide the answer in any of the three body paragraphs. If it’s a dissertation or a research paper, answer in the section called “Discussion.”

The location really depends on the type of scientific project you are working on. Make sure you understand the main question using an in-depth analysis. Study the main problem from different angles to realize all the advantages and disadvantages. The response must be straight to the point. If you discuss modern problems in education, you cannot write about problems in any other industry. At times, it’s useful to read some samples to understand how to answer the research question properly.

Restate and Summarize Your Work

The main objective of the conclusion in any scientific paper is to restate and summarize the entire work. It’s necessary to connect your abstract to the final chapter of your writing. It already contains the major insight and tells your readers what you’ll discuss. However, it doesn’t have the final result. It must be clearly revealed in your conclusion. The most important recommendation we give is to highlight some two-three points, which clearly answer the main question of your project. Explain:

  • What was studied?
  • What was the result?
  • Why is it so important?

Here are a few helpful prompts:

  • Your conclusion shouldn’t be more than five sentences.
  • Address your final thoughts directly to your readers.
  • Avoid clichés and generalizations.
  • Don’t apologize.
  • Proofread and analyze.
  • Use different words.

Make Recommendations

Another stage of concluding your thesis is to make several recommendations. Other people would like to read how your research contributes to solving the issue. You should provide 2-7 recommendations. Each must be specific and connected to your conclusions. You may give research limitations examples, explain how to avoid possible drawbacks, recommend more effective methods, etc.

List and Emphasize Your Contribution

It’s important to give a track of your contribution to the project you’ve written. Mention the new knowledge you’ve added to the development of the argument. Explain how a concrete insight or recommendation has helped to solve the problem.

End Your Thesis

The final step is to end your thesis. It must be proofread and improved. Analyze your project from the first chapter to the last one. Check your grammar, be concise and logical, address directly to your audience.

Using our smart prompts, you’ll have a perfect thesis conclusion. In case you cannot handle it properly, consider online support. If you intend to use professional writing assistance, do in-depth research. Obligatorily verify the legitimate status of the writing platform and read customers’ reviews. Once you find out how it works and know that the chosen platform is trustworthy, you can hire a professional writer to manage your thesis conclusion.



The notion of a modern-day work environment that exhibits deeply rooted cultural and structural barriers for women in STEM is generally rejected in this study, although some bias is still evident today. Motivating factors for women in STEM mirror motivating factors for any worker. One exception is the emphasis on, and the inconsistency of, descriptors placed on growth or advancement opportunities, suggesting that growth opportunities are still a barrier today.

If the STEM workforce is vital to the United States as a nation, where the STEM workforce is only 13% female for engineering and 26% female for science, technology, and math (NSF, 2012), society still has work to do to help build and retain the STEM workforce. There is no data in this study or others that suggests that the workplaces for STEM professionals have consistent policies, cultures, and values for the individual. If the U.S. workplace is not consistently creating an environment where women in STEM professions are motivated throughout their career journeys, and laws are not equipping women to balance both work and families, then there is still work to do to advance the United States in the global race in science, engineering, technology, and math.

The results of this study suggested that there are five themes related to motivating factors for women who have stayed in STEM professions long-term: (a) interest in STEM is the constant as individual needs and priorities change, (b) direct manager influence on development is critical, (c) performance-based workplace policies and culture are continuously sought, (d) moving towards a no-bias workplace remains important, and (e) the career growth path at life’s crossroads remains a challenge. For the first, career fit is essential in relation to an individual’s interest. For women in STEM, a career with challenge is key. Family priorities were emphasized as high priority individual needs, particularly when just starting to have a family. 

Direct managers were consistently cited as a key to staying motivated, particularly as direct managers were seen as the gateway to new challenges and growth opportunities. A fair workplace has a foundation of performance-based policies and culture. Both are expected in the workplace of today and the future. The no-bias workplace directly relates to helping foster a good reputation. This perhaps is recognition of the opposite of a hostile workplace being a workplace where a women’s credibility is not readily undermined. Continuous career challenge at life’s crossroads is a reference to several dimensions related to career growth. The women in this study emphatically voiced their interest in being challenged and wanting to continuously grow.

While the attitudes that the women expressed as they shared their career experiences were positive, it was somewhat disturbing to hear the energy focused in the career growth and development opportunities. The participants in this study presented themselves as competent, experienced women, who genuinely loved their work, who spoke of their managers with high regard and who generally viewed their compensation as satisfactory. Yet, the participants had such varying descriptors about how they felt about their growth opportunities throughout their careers. Some used the word sacrifice to describe a growth opportunity, referring to those opportunities that were lateral or part-time. Participants saw these positions as an opportunity to stay in STEM, but at a cost to their career in STEM.

Some described growth opportunities as promotions. The words that women used when describing how they felt about promotions included an emphasis on being valued. If companies want to motivate women in STEM, career growth paths have to be modernized so that all growth opportunities result in the employee feeling like their careers are being invested in. If women learn new skills as part of lateral and part-time work, options they take to balance family priorities, and they are not justly considered for promotional opportunities, then the workplace has a built-in de-motivator for women. In STEM professions, where the workers are knowledge workers, not industrial age workers, treating any growth opportunity as anything other than an investment is not only archaic, it is potentially discriminatory.

The hostile environment may not be as evident on the surface since overt discrimination that used to plague the STEM workplace is largely a practice of the past. The ownership for career advancement is primarily on the individual, which is not necessarily wrong. If the individual is also a caretaker, he or she has to choose between a career track that offers them promotions and rewards for their advancing skills and a career track that offers them lateral moves or part-time work in exchange for their advancing skills. Advancing skills are advancing skills. The results of this study suggested that women in STEM are motivated to be challenged continuously and motivated to grow. Hopefully, the workplace will soon start to recognize growth through a non-biased lens. Hopefully, in future studies, no mention of bias will be referenced by women in STEM at any point in their journey. Until then, opportunities for the workplace and government to help remove bias remain.

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Article posted on:Oct 1, 2023
Article updated on:Oct 14, 2024


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