A thesis title page is the very first page of your document that contains essential information about your work. It usually includes such details as a thesis title, your full name, paper type, institution, department, advisor’s name and the degree you are pursuing. A cover page for a thesis creates the first impression, and thus, should look neat.
While it may seem straightforward, thesis title page requirements vary significantly depending on your institution, program, and the style guide you are using (APA, MLA, Chicago).
In this blog, we’ll break down the key components, address variations across universities, and help you format your thesis title page correctly. Additionally, you’ll find cover page templates, examples and exact specifications for each element.
Table of contents
Thesis cover page components
Most thesis title pages share a set of common components. While individual requirements can differ, the following elements are typically included:
- Thesis title and subtitle: stated clearly, without quotation marks or abbreviations, usually in ALL CAPS.
- Your full name: as it appears in your institution’s records.
- Type of document: indicate if it’s a thesis or dissertation.
- Institution: include the full name of your university or college.
- Department and program: specify these entities.
- Degree: state the degree (e.g., Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy).
- Date: mention the month (sometimes omitted) and year when your thesis will be submitted or your degree conferred.
These are the standard elements in a thesis cover page, but where and how they are placed differ.
Thesis title page example
Below is the thesis cover page example showing the typical appearance of a cover.

Thesis title page format variations across institutions
Each university or department may have its own rules for the title page format, which is why you might find different instructions across the internet. For example:
- Positioning of elements Some universities prefer the institution name and date at the bottom of the title page, leaving the upper portion for other details. Others require the university name, department, and date to appear together
- Committee members Some universities and departments require you to list the members of your committee on the title page of a thesis, while others do not. In cases where it’s mandatory, there may also be additional requirements about the order in which members are presented (e.g., listing the chair first, followed by the director of research).
- Adviser vs. committee chair The designation of roles such as "Adviser" or "Chair" may vary based on program or department guidelines.
- Use of titles and honors If your thesis is part of a program with a minor or concentration, some institutions allow this to be listed, while others do not.
Always check your institution's thesis submission guidelines to ensure compliance with their formatting standards.
Standard thesis title page template
Here’s a simple layout for a thesis title page. Don’t forget to adjust it based on your institution's specific requirements.
[Your Full Name]
A Master’s Thesis
Submitted in [Partial Fulfillment/Fulfillment] of the Requirements
for the Degree of [Master of Arts / Science / Fine Arts]
in [Program / Department]
at [Institution Name]
Professor [Full Name]
You can download a free thesis cover page template available in both Microsoft Word and Google Docs formats.
Note: We’ve prepared sample layouts for various degrees, and there’s also a sample for minors or concentrations. Each template is presented on a separate page within the document.
Guidelines for thesis title page elements
Let’s explore some specific suggestions for each item that appears on the cover page of a thesis.
- The title should be stated plainly, without quotation marks or underlining.
- Avoid abbreviations and use the full form of words(e.g., "United States" instead of "U.S.").
- The title should be the same across all your documentation, including your declaration page and approval forms.
Author’s name
- Use your full name as it appears in your institution's official records. If you are using a preferred name, make sure it’s registered with the university.
- Do not include titles (like "Mr." or "Dr.") or degrees (like "B.A.") after your name.
- If required, include your middle name or initial.
Document type
- Clearly label the document as a thesis. For example: "Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts."
- Ensure that the degree is written out fully on a senior thesis cover page, such as “Master of Science” instead of “ M.Sc.”
Department and institution
- Always write out the full name of your department and institution (e.g., "Department of Mechanical Engineering" instead of "Mech. Eng.").
- Confirm the exact titles of your program and department.
- Some universities may require the inclusion of their logo or specific branding elements on the title page for a thesis. Check if this is mandatory.
- In some cases, both the department and the overarching faculty or school must be mentioned (e.g., Department of Biology, Faculty of Science).
Submission date
- Use the official month and year when the thesis will be submitted or the degree will be awarded. In some cases, this date could be later than your defense date.
“In Partial Fulfillment” vs. “In Fulfillment” in a cover page of a thesis
This is a common point of confusion in a thesis paper cover page. Here’s how to distinguish between the two:
- In Partial Fulfillment Use “In Partial Fulfillment” when your thesis is one part of the requirements for your degree, alongside other elements like coursework, exams, or practicums. This is the most common phrase used in thesis submissions.
- In Fulfillment “In Fulfillment” is rarely used for theses, as it implies that the thesis alone meets all the criteria for the degree. Only use this if you have confirmed with your institution that no other requirements are necessary for graduation.
Formatting your thesis paper title page
Ensure your senior thesis title page meets institutional standards. In case there are no particular formatting rules, make sure your cover page looks professional.
Below are some recommendations.
Most institutions require 1-inch margins on all sides of the Master’s thesis title page. These margins will look consistent when the document is bound or printed.
Font and size
The standard font size for the thesis cover page is either 12 pt. or 10 pt., with the same font used throughout the page. The font should be readable, such as Times New Roman or Arial.
Most institutions require the text on the thesis title page to be single-spaced, although you may be allowed to use 1.5 spacing. Check your specific guidelines to confirm.
No page number
The thesis paper title page should not have a page number. It is usually the first page but should not be included in the page count.
Alignment and boldface
In most cases, the title and other crucial components of the title page (such as your name and document type) should be centered on the page. Avoid using boldface for the title or any other elements unless specifically instructed.
Thesis title pages in APA, MLA or Chicago format
While thesis title pages generally follow institutional requirements, they may also need to adhere to specific citation style rules. For exact directions regarding each citation format, refer to their official websites:
Final thoughts on thesis title pages
With the right structure and attention to detail, your thesis title page will reflect the professionalism of your work and help you make a strong first impression on your readers. If you're ready to take the next step, check out our guide on how to write a Master's thesis, where we break down the entire process into manageable steps to help you succeed.
If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to hire a professional thesis writer at our platform! Whether you need guidance with formatting or crafting your entire thesis, we offer personalized services to ensure your thesis meets academic standards. Let us help you submit a flawless thesis!
FAQs about cover page for thesis
How do I add my institution’s logo to the thesis cover page if required?
If your institution requires the logo on the thesis cover page, check for official guidelines on logo placement and size. Some universities provide downloadable versions of their logo in high resolution. Insert the logo according to these guidelines, typically at the top or bottom of the page, without altering its proportions or appearance.
Is it necessary to list the committee members on the Master’s thesis title page?
Whether to list committee members on the Master’s thesis title page depends on your institution’s requirements. Some universities mandate it, while others don’t. If required, the committee chair is usually listed first, followed by the director of research (if different), and then the remaining members in a specified order.
What should I do if the formatting style I’m using (APA, MLA,) conflicts with my institution’s requirements?
If there’s a discrepancy between your thesis title page formatting style (APA, MLA) and your institution’s requirements, prioritize the university conventions. Institutional rules take precedence over citation style formats, so adjust your title page accordingly and apply the citation style to other sections of your thesis.
Do I need to include the submission date or graduation date on the thesis cover page?
You typically need to include the submission date or the expected graduation date on your thesis cover page. Follow your institution’s specific instructions, which may require either the month and year of submission or the date your degree will be conferred.
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